Jobs in the sport, fitness & aquatic sector hit record numbers this year, with more roles available across more employers than ever before. This is consistent with broader economic data released this week by the ABS showing job vacancies in Australia hit record highs in the May 2021 quarter to be 57% above pre-pandemic levels. There’s also clear evidence of a real skill shortage emerging for many roles with employers across all industries reporting difficulties in filling vacancies.
If you’re an employer looking for staff here’s a few quick tips to help you attract talent:
Act quickly in screening & offering the job. For most roles below senior executive appointments, considering candidates on-the-go is the way-to-go right now. The days of sitting on your hands for 3-4 weeks after a merit candidate first applies just doesn’t cut it in 2021. Other employers are moving faster than ever before to secure talent.
Provide as much information possible to assist the job seeker make a decision to apply. This means a detailed Position Overview, links to important employer background documents & provide contact details for the hiring manager.
Be available to job seekers to call and ask questions. If you are managing a recruitment process don’t shut yourself off from candidates wanting to know more about the job. As the hiring manager your job is making sure every candidate has the opportunity to ask questions before they apply. Make yourself available & pre-allocate interview slots immediately the role opens. If you are too “important” to make yourself available to candidates, that’s a good reason they won’t apply. No second chance for a first impression right? Oh, this applies to other recruitment firms operating in this sector as well!
Keep candidates updated. Simple things count – acknowledge applications, communicate & reach out quickly when a candidate has what you’re looking for. Advise unsuccessful candidates – they might be a candiadtes for another time & it’s just good manners.
Be prepared to at least meet market; better still be ready to beat it. List remuneration when you can & be prepared to shift if it means you’ll get the best talent.
People Recruitment has a practice of referring talent on-the-go, that’s why you see many of our jobs listed as Apply Now! Our targeted search process and talent network means we can quickly refer great candidates to the employer, sometimes within the first 24-48 hours.
And of course I couldn’t end without a plug for People Recruitment. Regardless of the job, if you are looking for talent in what is shaping up to be one of the most challenging markets in decades, we’re here to assist.